Tribolic Bolus Bolus
Tribolic Bolus / liquid Key Ingredients:
- Kapas (Gossypium Herbecum )
- Indravaruni ( Citrullus colocynthis)
- Satodi ( Boerhaava Diffusa )
- Manjith (Rubia Cordifolia)
Product Description
Tribolic bolus completely expels the placentas following the parturition, Potent herbs prevent the postpartum uterine infection. Regulated lochia discharge by increasing uterus contraction and promotes the involution of uterus thereby promoting reproduction
Packing : 2 x 10 bolus
Daily 2 bolus twice a day or As directed by registered veterinary practitioner.
Cow / Buffalo/ Camel/ Horse : 2 Bolus twice a day
Goat/ sheep : 1 bolus twice a day